Well it’s been a busy and interesting last couple of days here in North Texas. We have been in and out of the storm cellar a few times. Tornado warnings and sirens going off are a norm during this time of year. We had just came out of the cellar Wednesday night when we realized a tornado touched down around 10:00 PM in Howe, just miles down the road from us. We went to check on the area when a fireman told us one had also touched down in Dorchester but they couldn’t get in touch with anyone to know where. We drove around checking on people in our church. We were blessed that it had only hit in a field.
Then as we were doing school today (Friday), while sitting at the kitchen table, we get a phone call from friends to get in the cellar they had just captured video of a tornado going through her moms field. It was close. Too close. We went running and thank goodness we did. Pictures taken later (see above photo) showed it was right above us and we never even realized it. We didn’t get alerts until after it had passed. All we could hear were the sirens going to help an over turned truck and trailer on hwy 289.
My mind is still running crazy with all this tonight. As I lay here thinking about everything, I want to say this…
- Days like these last few really put in perspective what really matters. People, NOT stuff!!
- I have served the Lord more than half my life now and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Period. It’s been the most loneliest times of my life. But, being fishers of men is building a heavenly kingdom. This earth will soon pass away! I must keep reminding myself who I do all this for. He is a good, good Father even in the loneliest of times. He is there even when we don’t feel or see Him!
- When you see people in need, Help! It’s just the right thing to do.
- Some pretty awesome people are the workers during the time of the storm. For us in the last few days it’s been the first responders, firemen, police, power companies, men and women with gloves, chainsaws or food and water, etc.
- No matter what kind of storm it is that your going through someone is working on getting you through it. I know it’s tough when your in it, but the next day is always bright and clear. If not hang in there the storms always pass at some point.
So from North Texas tonight with a thankful heart, I will say goodnight and God bless!