The Southern Museum of flight in Birmingham, AL presents civilian, military, and experimental aircraft and memorabilia from the earliest history of powered flight. The museum houses over 90 aircraft, as well as engines, models, artifacts, and paintings. In addition, the Southern Museum of Flight is home to the Alabama Aviation Hall of Fame with over 70 biographical plaques presenting Alabama aviation history through collective biography.
The Vietnam War Helicopters Exhibit & Diorama Display depicts a true story of American heroism within Troop C, 16th Cavalry Regiment. It stands as a tribute to all branches of the armed services and honors all who sacrificed in the Vietnam War.
I enjoyed this exhibit the most because my dad and father-n-law both served in the Vietnam War. Seeing all the history here really made me proud of them!
Featured on the History Channel, The Lake Murray B-25 was recovered from the depths of Lake Murray, South Carolina in 2005 after 62 years. Lake Murray was home to “Bomb Island”, where the USAAF conducted training exercises during World War II.
This was a great field trip, the girls really enjoyed it. We spent the most time at the flight simulators {and by we, I mean me and my hubby,} {grin} and the play room for my five year old. Overall we spent a little over two hours here, we could have stayed longer. Then we went and found a spot at the airport and watched the planes take off and land for another hour. One of my girls was fast asleep and the other talked about our trip the whole ride home. “Learning begins outside the classroom.” Visit this link to plan your own trip to the Southern Museum of Flight or take a Virtual tour here:
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Stephany Dedman