These are milestone moments when your little ones show signs of growing up a little more each day. Last night we changed Ella Kates bed over to a big girl day bed. She loves it and just shows how ready she was for it. She loves climbing up in it all by herself, with a big smile on her face. She just goes and sits in it, just because she can do it all by herself! She is so cute and has much personality. She has just had her 2nd Birthday and she is totally acting like a 2 year old. She is having more conversations with us, she is running, climbs stairs, repeats everything you say. We are so proud of her, she has been going potty in the big girl potty chair and only uses a diaper at bedtime or if we leave the house. So with a little more time she will be done with the diapers! She loves her big sissy and they play great together. I love watching them, when they don’t know I’m there.
Emily has been having a great year! She has made straight A’s this year in 2nd grade and she Loves her teacher! We are so proud of her for all her accomplishments. She has been taking tumbling and Loves it, she just finished her Cheerleading season, she has been a busy girl this year. It has all been so fun to experience these things with her.
It is almost Christmas Season, well at least all the stores are getting ready for it. Today she sent her Santa List in the mail and the thing she is most excited about is the return of her magic elf Missy. I usually have everything already decorated for Christmas by now but for some reason I’m just not ready to put away all our fall decor yet. I love this time of year, such beautiful colors and nice cooler weather coming in. I guess it will all be put up next week in exchange for twinkling lights. The girls will love it!
We have been as busy as ever at church. We have been blessed to get some new families. Our children’s groups and adults have been growing deeper in the Lord’s word and you can see each of their spiritual growth. It has been a great year!
~ Stephany