On 1/25/13 I had my gall bladder removed. I had been in so much pain on and off for about a year, I really had no other choice. I was so scared and didn’t know what to expect. I researched online and talked to everyone I knew and realized a lot of people have been through it. Surgery scheduled then canceled by heart doctor, did heart cath and finally surgery is back on.
Friday morning at 6 AM, Anniston RMC Dr. George Crawford would finally help me get some relief from the worst stabbing pain that came about every 6 days in my tummy to my back and lasted about 4-7 hours. The worst pain I have Ever had even my c-section X 2!!
So I arrive and wait (the part I hate) they had no beds! I waited til around 12:00 PM took me back got my IV (that took 3 tries) waited till about 1:00 PM my girls were with me and starving!! But they were so good!
Finally they come to get me I’m already exhausted from my nerves, no sleep from the night before and now have been waiting all day!! I am READY to say the least!!
The only thing I remember is asking for pictures. Lol, I didn’t want a keep sake but I wanted to see what had been causing all my pain! I woke up being rolled back into my recovery room (Praise God it was over) My hubby had taken the girls to McDonalds to eat and play during my surgery. They had just arrived when I came in. I wasn’t in much pain just VERY sore! My throat hurt from the tube, my mouth was dry like cotton, I was so thirsty!! Walking and raising up was the worst!!
Dr. said my GB was swollen so I had a bigger incision than expected on left side. Said it should have come out 2 years ago (shocker)!! I couldn’t go tee tee so I was at hospital until 7 PM finally they agreed to let me go on condition to bring me back if I had not gone by midnight! (I went about 9 PM)
After getting home I was so sleepy! I was afraid to sleep in the bed having to use tummy muscles to raise up so I slept on the couch for three days almost propped completely up. I needed pain meds until Wednesday, (they help but cause constipation so the trade off of not taking them was worth it). I slept all that night and on and off the next day. Was not hungry until Saturday night, and only ate a little of a sandwich. I started feeling like a jabbing pain in left side so I called the Dr. but got answering service said to call Monday! (Called and said it was muscle spasm) Sunday went to church (moving slowly) had a big lunch and paid for it that evening. I was so bloated and constipated I took 4 laxatives, 4 fiber gummies, drank Epsom salt, tons of water and still couldn’t go!! I was miserable!!! Finally was able to go late that night….Sunday night (feeling much relief).
I have been taking showers only! Baths are more my thing so I have missed it! Finally 8 days later I soak in Epsom salt bath and it felt great! I have 3 incisions plus belly button and they all are healing great. Mine are covered with the liquid band aide stuff and it is just now starting to come off. I am still sore and sleeping on my back. I finally moved to my bed though with lots of pillows propping me up. The couch was killing my back! I am able to do most things now. I will say it was worth it to not have any more attacks like I had for a year.
Thanks to my hubby and girls for being so good to me through the whole thing and for everyone’s prayers, phone calls, cards and meals! Your thoughtfulness is so appreciated. We love each of you and thank you!!!
God Bless