Since the new year it seems a lot of friends have had nothing but health problems including myself. I am a firm believer in prayer and I know God still hears everyone of them and I’m thankful He does.
I am not one that has many fears. I lift everything to The Lord and continue on but I seem to carry more burdens here lately. After my last birth in 2008 I was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy. A very scary time in my life. A time that was suppose to be joyous that turned to fear in a split second. Of course after prayer Gods comfort came. After medication for a year I took myself off all of it. I new The Lord had healed me! I was confident and thankful everyday that he had. I have enjoyed everyday with my family!
Here lately I have not been feeling well. Went to the doctor in December because of stomach pains and was told I needed gallbladder surgery. Surgery date set and my heart doctor wouldn’t clear me for surgery, he said I needed a heart cath because my heart had too little oxygen in it. I have been to 9 doctor appts in less than a month.
Fear can creep in in an instant! Trust me I know first hand. Fear comes from Satan to destroy if we allow it to. I do not fear death, so what are my concerns? Why or what do I fear? I fear leaving my family behind in a cruel sinful world! I love them and selfishly do not want to leave them even though I know a better home awaits me. I do not want to fear or feel this way. I love The Lord and I completely trust Him.
We need to recognize when Satan tries to make us fear whatever our situation is. God is more powerful than him. The bible repeatedly tells us do not fear!! Satan get behind me in the name of Jesus, I will NOT fear, I WILL have Faith!!!! Amen