I am late posting our exciting news but I definitley want to document and share with all of you our news of our new addition. On April 21, 2014 we added Molly to our family. We had promised the girls for a puppy (specifically a golden retriever). They had been begging for one for a while now and living the short time we did in the apartment did not allow for pets in our lives at the time.
Share: We searched for a golden from day one upon arriving in Texas. There were several people in the church helping us look for one. We filled out applications at the shelters for goldens and no luck there. Then I decided to check craigslist. I was very hesitant to do so but it ended up to be great success for us finding Molly. She turned one on May 8th and has been a wonderful loving golden girl. She loves to be brushed and belly rubs, but she mostly just wants to be beside her humans. We had all her shots updated and had her fixed on May 15th. She had to stay overnight and the girls were lost without her. We are very excited that she is now part of our family.
Just picked her up from getting fixed she looks like she may still be a little loopy from the pain meds.
Our ride home from adopting Molly. She jumped right in our car and loved on the girls all the way home. 4/21/14
I think she likes it here.
Molly with her new toys
I will post all our adventures with Molly here so check back often.
Stephany Dedman